Sunday, March 17, 2013

On going inward

The focus of this blog is changing. I want a place to track two intentions that is portable. This meets my need because I didn't want to start yet another blog.

This the second day of my renewed intention and deeper efforts toward connecting with my unconscious. One intention is to remember my dreams (this also - for me - means I will write them down). The second is to change my waking and walking routine.

On Friday, in my hypnosis session, I received steps for going deeper, using my habit of walking in the morning. The steps are:
1. Centering as I put the leash on Emma.
This includes focusing on the point of light behind my heart as well as the two points at the base of the vagus nerve, in my gut.
2. Putting my hand on the door handle is my cue to open and step through the threshold - both of the door to my house as well as the one to this deeper level.
3. Allow Emma to be my guide. In the trance, I saw her as a signature of light with the two dancing points of her eyes and her nose and tongue below. She has been waiting for this and is so ready!
4. As I walk, this is grounding my body so I can do this "out of body" work. All I do is notice and make note.

Yesterday morning I started the ritual and went just a short distance because I had the Shamrock 8k and I didn't set my alarm clock properly. Amazingly, I got up with plenty of time to get ready! Emma has been so patient in the days since Max transitioned. She was thrilled to be able to walk.

I walked further this morning. I'm not sure Emma understands the change yet but I think she will soon. She sniffed and peed almost as much as Max used to. The whole point though is to honor my promise to myself.

Today, during the walk, I understood that using the points of light inside is a 2-step process. First focus on the point of light behind the heart. From there, then go deeper through the two points in the gut.

I remember from the trance that these 3 points are access points AND anchor points. In the induction, in my mind's eye, I looked up and saw the three points above me, easy to find and return to.

While I remembering dreaming last night, I don't now know what it was. I hoped to see Max but I am sure it didn't happen last night.

The dream from two nights ago included a former doc student supervisee, Sean, who arrived at my house with a friend of his. Both carried huge clay pieces. Sean's was a beautiful shallow bowl for a birdbath.

His friend gave me a piece that looked like it had started as a shallow bowl, but had collapsed and been folded. I was intrigued by the glazes and the shape. I remember focusing on one area that had bumps and lumps and the glaze was the cobalt blue with a milky sand-colored matte over it. I held the piece at eye level to look at it closely.


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