This morning, I got up early in order to meet my colleague, Narketta, at the airport. She will be greeting students on Monday as Jill and I (the 2 trip leaders) are completing the half-marathon. This time, I took the bus to the airport (only 6 Euros!) and it didn't take as long as the cab ride yesterday. Hmmmm.
Last night, as I was studying maps and bus schedules, I figured out that the bus would leave from pretty close to Trinity, but couldn't determine from where. The stop wasn't hard to find, though, and I'm glad I had that little adventure.
Narketta was grateful to be met -- it's a small thing that feels big, isn't it, when someone familiar greets you in a foreign place? We found an ATM after going downstairs, and back up, asking 2 people, then seeing a sign we totally had missed when we first started looking (it was BEHIND us). We hopped on a double-decker bus back to Trinity and sat on the top level to see the city spread out before us. The harp bridge is a notable Dublin landmark, spanning the River Liffey. Beautiful.
Clockwise: Narketta at the airport. Harp Bridge. Grafton St. Scenes from a bus.
We returned to Trinity with enough time to grab breakfast -- it's included! -- to see my other colleague, Jill and her hubby Tony and hear their tale of a harrowing landing yesterday. With the news lately of planes crash-landing, hers was a scary reminder. It seems that the wind had picked up yesterday as they were landing and a cross-wind made the plane drop-land, bump UP, then down hard 2 more times. The last time the plane hit the tarmac, panels broke loose and were suspended above passengers' heads. Unbelievable!
It made me even more grateful for my easy, uneventful trip across the ocean!
The 3 of us walked to the sports expo so Jill and I could pick up our race packets for the half-marathon. As we drew closer to the hotel, it wasn't hard to figure out where to go -- more and more people were carrying gear bags away from the hotel. It was a small expo, compared with ones in Virginia Beach. I found out there are 20,000 runners Monday for the half- and full marathon.
With this cold/virus, I'm waffling about what to do about walking the race. It's the inaugural one -- the t-shirt even says it! -- and I've looked forward to this for nearly a year. Last week, I finally got to the "I can do this" feeling that has accompanied previous races, so I really want to make a go of it. The problem is that I know the race really wears on the body, I'm feeling a little depleted right now and I will have to be present for the Institute and students in the coming days. I decided to take it really easy this afternoon, rest and wait til Monday...
Our walk to and from the expo took us around St. Stephen's Green, a lush park in the city. Surrounding the park are old houses, many with colorful and ornate doors. The scrollwork above the doors reminds me of the doodles from ZenTangle....
I've rested the remainder of the day. In and out of sleep. In this way, I'm sticking with my intention to take care of myself, rather than push to hard. At the same time, I feel like I'm missing opportunities to explore... I'm in IRELAND, after all!
So, my intentions for this evening and tomorrow:
1. Continue to honor my body and what it needs.
2. Paint! I brought watercolors and will paint a series of doors.
Yours in adventure,
Thanks so much for writing! Honor your body and trust! Regardless of Monday you're having an Ireland experience! Miss you and sending good thoughts!!