Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 3: The UAC at Work & Play

The training program I recently developed was a result of magic, wonder AND miracles.

But first, an explanation of "the UAC". This is an acronym for "Universal Access Codes" -- a phrase that came from energy work I participated in with Sandy and Elari. It was pivotal for me in my steping into my purpose and feeling solidly supported by God/The Universe.

The energy work was like a guided meditation for me. Among the things that I "saw", was a 3-part metaphor of a tree. The first part included a seat within the trunk of this tree. I'm surrounded on 3 sides -- back, left and right. I'm firmly rooted and grounded in the Earth.

The second portion of the tree is about play. I'm playing in the branches, really feeling the joy of PLAY. (In life, I often forget to play, forget to enJOY.) The painting I started included photos of me as a little girl, laughing. There are also images of birds and other tree-hugging critters.

The third part of the tree is actually above the top. For the first time in a meditation, when I went WAY out into deep space, I "looked" down and saw, attached to my feet, a copper thread connecting me to my tree, my body and Earth. For the first time, I felt secure in this attachment and knew I was safe and supported. In previous meditations, when I was that deep into the cosmos, I had difficulty "coming back" -- fitting back into my body. I felt a great sense of sadness and loss, too.

All that changed with this summer's energy session. One of the messages that came along with the session is that I hold the keys to universal access codes (UAC). Once I "got" that, all kinds of magic, wonder and miracles started to manifest. It was almost daily.

Too bad I didn't write it all down, though! (I DID tell friends and asked them to remind me, so maybe it's time to ask for the reminder.)

With this new blog and discipline, I'm starting to add a commitment to meditate -- even for just a few minutes -- and "go" to the deep inner space to explore and understand my soul's purpose. I did so this morning and felt more connected in general.

There's something about the deep inner space, the UAC, that I'm not quite "getting". It's linked to magic, wonder and miracles, but I'm not sure how. And even though I had a soul contract reading several years ago, somehow I'm not bothered by the fact that I haven't completely understood or figured out how to BE it yet. I do know NOW is the time and it's unfolding just as it needs to.

Maybe that's my miracle today: I'm not bothered, scared or otherwise out of sorts about not knowing or not having "arrived" by now. Everything has clearly been in Divine Timing for the past 6 or so months, so why think otherwise now?

In MW&M,

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