Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Day 19: Letting Go & Allowing

Last night, I gave up trying to feed Max the special diet food and put the regular stuff in his bowl.

He scarfed it up!

And I gave him and Emma baths with medicated shampoo. Afterward the two of them were running around the house, playing and having a grand time.

I've decided that it's ok to put more importance in Max's current condition, letting go of needing to feed him the mix he won't even eat and allowing him to eat what he wants. I accept the consequences may be that his condition worsens, but I'm not going to prolong his life by compromising his current well-being. He's happier and so am I.

There's just no point in giving up on living NOW for the remote possibility that life could be extended a few more weeks or months. It could be a few more years for him, who can actually predict it?

Emma and Max
This decision is a good one. I feel my heart open and I KNOW it's the best and right for what I know at this point. I've had to euthanize 4 other pets -- Charlotte was the first, then Prico, Tigger and Izzy. Not one of the decisions was easy, but all of them were clearer than what has been happening with Max.

So, I continue to ask for a miracle. I've already recieved one, I'm sure of that.


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